The Harry Potter Compendium
Welcome to the Community Portal! You can help, so get involved by editing this compendium and joining our community!

You can help build the Harry-Potter-Lexicon into the place for Harry Potter info! The Community Portal is the central place for Harry-Potter-Lexicon members to discuss, plan, and collaborate on articles. We're always looking for new members - if you have an interest in Harry Potter, why not create an account?

Create article
To create a Harry Potter related article, type a title in the box below, and click Create article. But before you do, please check if the article already exists on a different name.

<createbox> buttonlabel=Create article width=25 editintro=Template:Create_article bgcolor=#D3D3D3 </createbox>

The Harry Potter Compendium Projects

The Harry Potter Compendium Projects are a new feature of The Harry Potter Compendium, with the aim of improving selected major articles through collaborative effort. The aim of each project will be to target an article, and thoroughly rework and improve it, bringing it up to the highest possible quality with the intention of highlighting it as a featured article. Through collaborative effort, working on major articles will not seem like an impossible feat as tasks can be delegated to project members to complete and review as part of a larger whole.

Current project:

To do list
  1. Create all appropriate pages, listed at wanted pages.
  2. Rewrite, expand and generally improve all articles on the book, film, and games versions of each entry in the Harry Potter series.
  3. Expand all stubs and articles to be expanded
  4. Keep up to date with all news stories relating to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (film), The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, and the Harry Potter Encyclopedia.
  5. Make sure every article is up to par with the Layout guide.
  6. Create articles for days and months.
Active user list
This is a list of active users on the Community Portal. Not on the list? Feel free to add yourself!
Bulletin board
This is a notification of current discussions and active voting issues.
