The Harry Potter Compendium

"Chasers were also becoming increasingly irritated by the necessity of diving continually towards the ground to retrieve the Quaffle and so, shortly after the Quaffle's change of colour, the witch Daisy Pennifold had the idea of bewitching the Quaffle so that if dropped, it would fall slowly earthwards as though sinking through water, meaning that Chasers could grab it in mid-air."
—Description of the spell's invention[src]

Arresto Momentum[3] is the incantation of a charm that can be used by a witch or wizard to slow the movement of an object. It is taught in second year Charms class at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry[4].

Known practitioners[]



Dumbledore casting Arresto Momentum wandlessly.


  • Likely the combination of two words; the Anglo-French "arester", meaning "to bring to a stop", and the Latin "Momentum", meaning "the force or strength gained whilst moving". Literal translation: "bring its momentum to a stop".

Behind the scenes[]


Notes and references[]

Charms (class)
Wingardium leviosa
Professors: Filius Flitwick
Textbooks: The Standard Book of Spells · Achievements in Charming · Quintessence: A Quest
Charmbook writers and charm developers: Miranda Goshawk · Scarpin · Felix Summerbee · Randolph Keitch · Basil Horton · Mnemone Radford · Elliot Smethwyck · Jarleth Hobart
Charms studied at Hogwarts: Levitation Charm · Fire-Making Charm · Softening Charm · Cleaning Charm · Cheering Charm · Glacius · Summoning Charm · Banishing Charm · Silencing Charm · Mending Charm · Reductor Curse · Colour Change Charm · Growth Charm · Water-Making Spell · Aresto Momentum · Locomotion Charm